Coolmore Ireland Handbook 2023
Height: 16.0½ (1.63m) - Won over 7f. to 8f.
• Won the Futurity Trophy S.-Gr.1 at 2 and the 2,000 Guineas-Gr.1 ( PICTURED ) at 3 • By Gr.1-winning sprinter INVINCIBLE SPIRIT , his sons at stud include the outstanding sire KINGMAN and the Champion Australian Sire of 2021/22 I AM INVINCIBLE • Out of a GALILEO Group-winning 2YO over 7f • Half-brother to European Champion 2YO & World Champion 3YO ST MARK’S BASILICA
15 first crop yearlings made upwards of €100,000 with a top price of €365,000
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