Coolmore Ireland Handbook 2020


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!! "$&-&#"$&(!4%*&5 (c by Galileo), 0=>?@ABC!6DE!BFG!HBFI!AC!%EJF>CG!AC!678K , 0=>?@ABC!LDE! BFG!?AFJE!AC!&MEB@J!AC!678< , NBC 7 races at 2 and 3 years and £934,200 including 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, "EO8 , Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, "EO8 , National Stakes, Curragh, "EO8 , St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, "EO8 , Futurity Stakes, Curragh, "EO6 and Tyros Stakes, Leopardstown, "EOL ; also placed once at 2 years in France and £33,338 viz third in Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere, Longchamp, "EO8 ; sire. !! 8PI!)>?O! 2'9+*&('./*%$$%-"! 49(#5 (f by Storm Cat), NBC 2 races at 2 years and £109,644 viz Cherry Hinton Stakes, Newmarket, "EO6 and Naas Sprint Stakes, Naas, "EOL , placed second in Albany Stakes, Ascot, "EOL and Isabel Morris EBF Stakes, Curragh, $O ; Own sister to "%#-.+(! 0#9(&,#2! 49(#5 , .M?QFJQEMIMP! 49(#5 , .ARJE!)>CHJ!49(#5 and 1EJMG!49(#5 ; dam of !PAS!NACCJEP including- "$&-&#"$&(!4%*&5 (c. by Galileo), see above. /#TT%$2!4%*&5 !"#$%&!'(!)*!+,-.-/012! UI!LEG!IB@!E>IJG!6DE!BFG!VAFFD!AC!&MEB@J!AC!678WX! NBC 3! 4,5/6!,7!#!*/,46!,89!:;;#2<=%!.85->9.8?!@4.A!B/,8CD>5!D,?,49/4/2!EF,87.--*2! "EO8 2!G0*?-,4/!H7>9! H7,I/62! E>44,?F2! "EO8 ! ,89! H.-J/4! K-,6F! H7,I/62! D/0L,49670M82! "EOL , ! L-,5/9! 6/5089! .8! H>8! EF,4.07! H7,I/62! N/MO,4I/72 "EO8 2! third in 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, "EO8 and Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, "EO8 . :#*Y&$$'9(!4%*&5 (f. by Galileo), UI!LEG!IB@!E>IJG!LDE!BFG!VAFFD!AC!&MEB@J!AC!678K , NBC 2 races and £160,222 including Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, "EO8 ; dam of: ! 1'*.! :2&*(! 49(#5 ! "#$%=! 5(! )*! P,4! K4087! "QHR112! NBC ! #! 4,5/6! ,7! #! */,462! #$%S! ,89! :S#2%;&!.85->9.8?!H7,4!RLL/,-!H7,I/62!T>89,-I2! $O 2!L-,5/9!7F.49!.8!U,.-M,*!H7,I/62!E>44,?F2! "EO6 2!U0>89!V0M/4!H7,I/62!E>44,?F2! "EOL ( .#U!:#/#$!4%*&5 (c. by Galileo), NBC 4 races including Zipping Classic, Melbourne, "EO6! (twice) and JRA Cup, Melbourne, "EOL , placed second in Secretariat Stakes, Arlington, "EO8 ( 0''$:'*&! 4%*&5 (f. by Galileo), NBC 1 race at 2 years, and £66,932 viz C L & M F Weld Park Stakes, Curragh, "EOL ; also placed once at 3 years in U.S.A. and £93,818 viz third in Belmont Oaks Invitational Stakes, Belmont Park, "EO8 . !! 6CG!)>?O! :#*%#/+(!(.'*:!49(#5 (f by Rahy), NBC 10 races at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £475,571 including Arlington Washington Lassie Stks, Arlington Int., "EO6 , Turfway Park Breeders' Cup H., Turfway Park, "EO6 , Arlington Matron H., Arlington Int., "EOL , Arlington Heights Oaks, Arlington Int., "EOL , Falls City H., Churchill Downs, "EOL , Ak-Sar-Ben Oaks, Ak-Sar-Ben, "EOL , placed third in Spinster Stakes, Keeneland, "EO8 ; dam of !JAR=I!NACCJEP including- "%#-.+(! 0#9(&,#2! 49(#5 (c by Storm Cat), 0=>?@ABC! LDB! AC! &MEB@J! AC! 6777! 4ZO<[ 87OC\D!T>C\D!4%*&5 (f by Galileo), NBC 1 race, third in Ballyogan S., Leopardstown, "EOL . 1EJMG!49(#5 (c by Storm Cat), NBC 1 race, placed third in Cork and Orrery Stakes, Royal Ascot, "EO6 ; sire in U.S.A. .M?QFJQEMIMP!49(#5 (c by Storm Cat), NBC 1 race, placed second in Futurity, Curragh, "EO6 . .ARJE!)>CHJ!49(#5 (c by Storm Cat), NBC 1 race, placed third in Minstrel S., Curragh, "EOL . 3MIIJEVFAJP!4%*&5 (f by Galileo), NBC 1 race, placed second in Munster Oaks, Cork, "EOL . *B>E!BV!.=J!.ARJE!49(#5 (c by Storm Cat), NBC 4 races, third in Governor's H., Ellis Pk, $O Pearling (USA) (f by Storm Cat), placed once at 3 years in Canada; dam of: )&0'*#.&)! ;-%"/.! 4"35 (c by Galileo), NBC ! W! 4,5/6! .85->9.8?! X4.6F! EF,OL.08! H7,I/62! D/0L,49670M82! "EO8 2! V,77/46,--6! +0-9! E>L2! E>44,?F2! "EO8 2! B/)/-! Y,77,! H7,I/62! G/*9,82! "EO8 and Meld Stakes, Leopardstown, "EOL ( Love Me Only (IRE) (f by Sadler's Wells),; dam of: (.'*:! ./&! (.#*(! 49(#5 (c by Sea The Stars), 3 races including Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, "EO6 , placed second in Irish Derby, Curragh, "EO8 , third in Derby Stakes, Epsom Downs, "EO8 , Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, "EO8 . !! LEG!)>?O! %::&-(&!49(#5 (f by Roberto), NBC 5 races in U.S.A. including Little Silver H., Monmouth Park, "EOL , placed second in Rumson H., Monmouth Park, third in Open Fire Stakes, Delaware Park, fourth in Alcibiades Stakes, Keeneland, "EO6 and Chrysanthemum Handicap, Laurel, "EOL ; dam of !VA]J!NACCJEP including- :#*%#/+(!(.'*:!49(#5 (f by Rahy), see above. T#-'*#:%0 (c by Rainbow Quest), NBC 3 races including Prix d'Harcourt, Longchamp, "EO6 , placed second in Rothman's International Stakes, Woodbine, "EO8 ; sire in France. #%*!^%'-!4UT-5 (f by Groom Dancer), NBC Jiji Press Hai Queen Stakes, Nakayama, $O SUN BLUSH (USA) (f by Ogygian), NBC 1 race at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of: *&$%-_9%(/!49(#5 (f by Rahy), 2 races including Round Barn H., Hoosier Park, $O LIGHTBEAM (USA) (f by Rubiano), 1 race; grandam of "92(!*&,#*)!49(#5 (c by Grand Reward), 9 races including Firecracker H., Churchill Downs, "EO6 . ! Tinaca (USA) (f by Manila (USA)), ran in France at 3 years; dam of winners: _9&(.!(.#*!49(#5 (c by Broad Brush), won Pan American H., Gulfstream, "EO6 (twice).


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