Coolmore Ireland Breeders' Handbook 2019
RED ROCKS Machiavellian Fairy King Gr.1 RHODODENDRON Pivotal Indian Ridge Gr.1 RIP VAN WINKLE Stravinsky Don't Forget Me Gr.1 RODERIC O'CONNOR Danehill Kris Gr.1 ROMANTICA Danehill Kahyasi Gr.1 RULER OF THE WORLD Kingmambo Alydar Gr.1 SANS FRONTIERES Shirley Heights Persian Bold Gr.1 SEVENTH HEAVEN Johannesburg Unbridled Gr.1 SEVILLE Silver Hawk Niniski Gr.1 SIXTIES ICON Diesis Law Society Gr.1 SOLDIER OF FORTUNE Erins Isle Lord Gayle Gr.1 TAPESTRY Danehill Mr Prospector Gr.1 TEOFILO Danehill Majestic Light Gr.1 THE GURKHA Danehill Dancer Slew o'Gold Gr.1 THE UNITED STATES Pivotal Warning Gr.1 TOGETHER Pennekamp J O Tobin Gr.1 TOGETHER FOREVER Theatrical Blushing Groom Gr.1 TREASURE BEACH Mark of Esteem Bering Gr.1 ULYSSES Kingmambo Shirley Heights Gr.1 WALDGEIST Monsun Mark of Esteem Gr.1 WAS Green Desert Ahonoora Gr.1 WINTER Choisir Favorite Trick Gr.1 MATING SUGGESTIONS: Churchill established himself as his generation’s champion two-year-old and as a dual Guineas winner at three. His racing record showed that he had inherited a degree of stamina from his sire Galileo, balanced by plenty of speed from his very fast female line. This speed was also apparent when his year-younger sister Clemmie won the 6f. Gr.1 Cheveley Park Stakes. Their dam, Meow, was a fast and precocious daughter of the top-class sprinter Airwave. Churchill enjoys the advantage of being free of the DANZIG blood which has been one of the biggest contributors to Galileo’s success. Churchill will surely suit daughters and granddaughters of DANEHILL . The GREEN DESERT branch also has plenty to offer, as Churchill’s female line produced the Nunthorpe winner Jwala to OASIS DREAM . Galileo sired an Oaks winner from a GREEN DESERT mare and Australia from a daughter of CAPE CROSS . Teofilo, another son of Galileo, sired Irish St Leger winner Voleuse de Coeurs and Irish Derby winner Trading Leather from mares by GRAND LODGE and his son SINNDAR . A growing number of Galileo’s stallion sons have important winners closely inbred to SADLER’S WELLS . Nathaniel’s brilliant daughter Enable is inbred 3x2; Teofilo’s Dewhurst winner Parish Hall is 3x3; Frankel’s top-class Gr.2 winner Eminent is also 3x3. Galileo has eight Group winners from 31 foals out of PIVOTAL mares. He also has Gr.1 winners out of daughters of NUREYEV’s sons THEATRICAL and STRAVINSKY . Galileo has sired Gr.1 winners from three generations of the MILL REEF line, including ten Group winners from DARSHAAN mares. Galileo has a Gr.1 winner from a BLUSHING GROOM mare, while RAINBOW QUEST sired the second dam of Frankel and Noble Mission. New Approach’s Oaks winner Talent also has a second dam by RAINBOW QUEST . Churchill’s speed could be reinforced by mares with AHONOORA blood. Galileo’s classic winners New Approach and Was respectively have a dam and a second dam by this top sprinter. Galileo also has three Group winners from mares by INDIAN RIDGE , and a Gr.1 winner from an INCHINOR mare. The Gr.1 winners Maybe, Magical, Rhododendron and Photo Call have a second dam by INDIAN RIDGE . Galileo’s Derby winner Ruler Of The World and his top-class son Ulysses have dams by KINGMAMBO , Red Rocks is out of a MACHIAVELLIAN mare and Order of St George has a dam by GONE WEST so the MR PROSPECTOR line is a worthy option. The SHARPEN UP line has produced a classic winner to Galileo and Teofilo has three stakes winners out of DIESIS mares. Galileo sired Nathaniel, Great Heavens and Seville from daughters of SILVER HAWK and Found is from a mare by INTIKHAB . He also has Group winners from daughters of DYNAFORMER , KRIS S. , LEAR FAN , RED RANSOM , DR FONG and SRI PEKAN .
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