Coolmore Ireland Breeders' Handbook 2019
M.V. MAGNIER Coolmore Stud
DAVID O’LOUGHLIN DIRECTOROF SALES M OB ( IRE ): 086 249 0821 M OB ( USA ): +1 859 333 2595
CLEM MURPHY B/STOCK CONSULTANT M OB ( IRE ): 086 857 5659 M OB ( USA ): +1 859 333 2578
TOM LYNCH MANAGER M OB :086 251 4157
Would you like to receive more information on: Sales, Racing, Keep Deals, Ballydoyle etc? E-mail Tom Miller on
The Coolmore Team
The International Sales Team
KEVIN BUCKLEY UK REP. M OB : +44 782 779 5156
MICHAEL ANDREE GERMAN REP. M OB : +49 172 297 9772
The Castlehyde Team
JOE HERNON MANAGER M OB : 086 241 0753
The Racing Office
MAIREAD CRONIN M OB : 086 329 1957
JAMIE MORIARTY M OB : 086 722 4951
Australia 6 Camelot * 10 Caravaggio 14 Champs Elysees * 18 Churchill 22 Excelebration * 28 Fastnet Rock * 32 FootstepsInTheSand * 36 Galileo * 42 Gleneagles 46 Gustav Klimt (New) 50 Highland Reel 56 Holy Roman Emperor * 60 Ivawood 64 Kingston Hill 68 Mastercraftsman * 74 Merchant Navy (New) 78 No Nay Never * 84 Pride Of Dubai 88 Requinto 92 Rock Of Gibraltar * 96 Ruler Of The World * 100 Saxon Warrior (New) 106 Sioux Nation (New) 110 Starspangledbanner * 114 The Gurkha 120 U S Navy Flag (New) 124 War Command 128 Wings Of Eagles 132 Zoffany * 136 * Proven sire of Gr.1 winners
14 sons of Galileo have already sired Gr.1 winners
The world's best sire, Galileo , will be standing alongside 7 of his sons for 2019, while Saxon Warrior and US Navy Flag are both out of juvenile Gr.1-winning daughters.
Height: 16.0½ (1.63m) Won from 7f. to 12f. Fee: €35,000
2018 Leading European First Crop Sires (by Earnings in Europe & North America) Rank Stallion Sire Earnings € 1 NO NAY NEVER Scat Daddy 1,201,969 2 KINGMAN Invincible Spirit 621,423 3 AUSTRALIA Galileo 541,364 4 CHARM SPIRIT Invincible Spirit 470,330 5 BUNGLE IN THE JUNGLE Exceed And Excel 396,850 6 RULER OF THE WORLD Galileo 394,658
Source:, 13 th Nov.
BEYOND REASON , one of 4 Gr.1/Gr.2 horses from his first 2yo crop, won Prix du Calvados-Gr.2 and Prix Six Perfections-Gr.3 for Godolphin
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2018 SALES YEARLINGS BY AUSTRALIA INCLUDE: DAM/SEX SIRE OF DAM PURCHASER PRICE Za'hara F. Raven’s Pass Godolphin €475,000 Anklet F. Acclamation Klaravich Stables €390,000 D'oro Princess F. Medaglia d’Oro Justin Casse €250,000 Rock Of Ridd C. Antonius Pius Stephen Hillen €245,000 Pivotalia C. Pivotal Al Shaqab €240,000 Sannkala C. Medicean SackvilleDonald €240,000 Ignis Away F. Gold Away David Redvers €220,000 Sola Gratia F. Monsun C. Gordon-Watson €210,000 Theann F. Rock of Gibraltar Cheveley Park Stud €210,000 San Sicharia C. Daggers Drawn Phoenix T'breds / D. Farrington €170,000 Tessa Reef C. Mark of Esteem Avenue Bloodstock €160,000 Kitty Matcham C. Rock of Gibraltar Avenue Bloodstock €155,000 Carolines Secret C. Inchinor Joseph O'Brien €140,000 Caserta C. Dansili John Foote Bloodstock €120,000 Eurirs C. Indian Ridge Barry Lynch €110,000 Souter's Sister F. Desert Style Blandford Bloodstock €110,000 Attire F. Danehill Dancer New Approach Bloodstock €105,000 Mohican Princess C. Shirley Heights Deuce Greathouse, Agent €100,000 MAIN WINNERS FROM AUSTRALIA'S FIRST 2YO CROP INCLUDE: NAME SIRE OF DAM SIRE OF 2ND DAM GRADE BEYOND REASON Azamour Green Desert Gr.2 BROOME Acclamation Suave Dancer Gr.1-pl SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE Salse Ahonoora Gr.1-pl WESTERN AUSTRALIA Cadeaux Genereux The Minstrel Gr.1-pl ALMANIA Footstepsinthesand Danehill Wnr AUSSIE VIEW Mujadil Titus Livius Wnr AUSTRALIAN PRINCE Pivotal Desert Prince Wnr BRASSICA Acclamation Dansili Wnr DARK LOCHNAGAR Kingmambo Sadler's Wells Wnr I REMEMBER YOU Invincible Spirit King's Best Wnr KOSCIUSZKO Rock of Gibraltar Dolphin Street Wnr LADY ADELAIDE Anabaa Rainbow Quest Wnr LASTOCHKA Mr. Greeley Royal Academy Wnr ROSEHILL Zamindar Stravinsky Wnr WAR EAGLE Fastnet Rock Dixieland Band Wnr MATING SUGGESTIONS: One of the first questions asked about any stallion son of Galileo is whether his pedigree allows him a chance to replicate his sire’s exceptional results with the DANZIG male line. With Australia the answer is a definite “Yes,” as the great stallion is appearing in the dam lines of a large number of his better winners. Galileo’s total of more than 30 northern hemisphere Group winners out of DANEHILL mares feature the brilliant Frankel, the champion two-year-old Teofilo, the King George winner Highland Reel and the classic winner Intello. Five sons of Galileo already have stakes winners out of DANEHILL mares, including the 2018 2yo Gr.1 winner Iridessa. This success story now extends to mares by sons of DANEHILL . Galileo’s achievements with mares by DANEHILL DANCER include ten Group winners headed by Minding, The Gurkha and Alice Springs. There are also Gr.1 winners 8
out of mares by ROCK OF GIBRALTAR , HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR , DESERT KING and MOZART and Galileo has two Group winners from three foals out of mares by EXCEED AND EXCEL . Australia’s impressive winners out of granddaughters of DANEHILL include Almania, War Eagle and Kosciuszko while Brassica has a grandam by DANSILI . Galileo has an excellent record with ANABAA mares, siring Capri and Lush Lashes. Although Australia is out of a brilliant daughter of Cape Cross, this doesn’t rule out mares with GREEN DESERT blood. His first Group winner the Gr.2 winner Beyond Reason, has a second dam by GREEN DESERT and is therefore inbred 4x3. INVINCIBLE SPIRIT and DESERT PRINCE appear in the pedigrees of other good winners by Australia. Daughters of GREEN DESERT have produced 14% Group winners to Galileo. The CHIEF’S CROWN branch of the DANZIG line comes into the picture. Teofilo sired Irish St Leger winner Voleuse de Coeurs and Irish Derby winner Trading Leather from mares by GRAND LODGE and his son SINNDAR . Galileo now has 11 Group/Graded winners from 58 foals out of daughters of STORM CAT (22 per cent) and no fewer than eight of them are Gr.1 winners (14%). Galileo also sired the classic-winning Seventh Heaven from a mare by Storm Cat’s grandson JOHANNESBURG . Teofilo, another champion son of Galileo, sired a Gr.1 winner from a daughter of GIANT’S CAUSEWAY . Another son of Galileo sired the brilliant Enable from a SADLER’S WELLS mare and Teofilo sired the Dewhurst Stakes winner Parish Hall from a MONTJEU mare. This opens the door to close inbreeding to SADLER’S WELLS . Frankel has three Group winners inbred to SADLER’S WELLS . Galileo has excellent results with the NUREYEV line, including siring eight Group winners headed by Gr.1 winners Rhododendron, Hydrangea and The United States from 31 foals out of PIVOTAL mares (19 per cent). Frankel is also shaping up well with PIVOTAL mares, notably siring the top-class Cracksman. New Approach sired the Oaks winner Talent from a PEINTRE CELEBRE mare. Galileo also has Gr.1 winners out of daughters of THEATRICAL and STRAVINSKY . Australia should be a natural for the MILL REEF line. Galileo has sired Gr.1 winners from three generations of descendants from Mill Reef. Altogether Galileo has ten Group winners out of DARSHAAN mares, this equates to 15% stakes winners. He also has 23% stakes winners with Darshaan’s son MARK OF ESTEEM . Galileo is excelling with the ROBERTO line, notably siring Nathaniel, Great Heavens and Seville from daughters of SILVER HAWK . He has 45% stakes winners from SILVER HAWK mares. He has also sired Group winners from daughters of DYNAFORMER , KRIS S. LEAR FAN , RED RANSOM , DR FONG , SRI PEKAN and INTIKHAB . His partnership with INTIKHAB is proving tremendously effective, with four Group winners from ten foals, including Arc winner Found. Galileo sired the Gr.1 winner Galikova from a BLUSHING GROOM mare, while RAINBOW QUEST sired the dam of Teofilo’s Gr.1 winner Quest For More and the second dams of Frankel, Noble Mission and Curvy; ARAZI sired the second dam of Lush Lashes and RAHY sired the second dams of Gr.1 winners Decorated Knight, Marvellous, Gleneagles, Happily and Deauville. Galileo’s high-class daughters Ballydoyle, Misty For Me and Tapestry have second dams by MR PROSPECTOR . Galileo’s top-class colts Ulysses and Ruler Of The World have dams by KINGMAMBO and his top stayer Order of St George has a dam by GONE WEST . RAVEN’S PASS sired the dam of Australia’s €475,000 2018 yearling while his son Dark Lochnagar has a dam by KINGMAMBO . Australia is likely to benefit from mares with AHONOORA blood as Galileo’s classic winners New Approach and Was respectively have a dam and a second dam by this top sprinter. Galileo also has three Group winners from mares by INDIAN RIDGE , and Gr.1 winner Curvy is from an INCHINOR mare. Australia already has Gr.1 performer Sydney Opera House with a grandam by AHONOORA . Australia sired Broome, runner-up in the Gr.1 Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere, from a daughter of ACCLAMATION , also damsire of a 325,000gns 2018 yearling. The SHARPEN UP line is another guaranteed to suit Australia, as it has produced a classic winner to his sire Galileo and has enjoyed plenty of success with several other sons of Sadler’s Wells.
Height: 16.0 (1.62m) Won from 8f. to 12f. Fee: €40,000
Leading European Sires of 3YO’s in 2018 (by stakes winners, northern hemisphere crops) Rk Sire SW’s G1W Total € 1 GALILEO 18 4 6,547,891 2 Dubawi 14 1 3,786,335 3 CAMELOT 10 2 4,050,872 - Frankel 10 1 3,449,718 5 Shamardal 8 1 1,564,491 6 Siyouni 7 1 2,348,787 7 MASTERCRAFTSMAN 6 1 3,224,844
LATROBE , pictured winning the Irish Derby-Gr.1 t Gr.1 winners in 2018 including:
Source: Hyperion Promotions, 12 th Nov.
The leading 2nd crop sire in every category
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2018 SALES YEARLINGS BY CAMELOT INCLUDE: DAM/SEX SIRE OF DAM PURCHASER PRICE Rock My Soul C. Clodovil M.V. Magnier €560,000 Flawless Beauty F. Excellent Art Godolphin €500,000 Enharmonic F. E Dubai BBA Ireland €480,000 Musical Sands F. Green Desert Stroud Coleman €445,000 Venus De Milo C. Duke Of Marmalade C. Gordon-Watson €400,000 Malayan Mist F. Dansili John & Jake Warren €385,000 Praia C. Big Shuffle Roger Varian €335,000 Hint Of A Tint C. Danehill Dancer Sun Bloodstock €285,000 Snow Gretel C. Green Desert Peter & Ross Doyle €280,000 Inchmina C. Cape Cross M.V. Magnier €280,000 Madeira Mist C. Grand Lodge M.V. Magnier €260,000 Platonic C. Zafonic Jeremy Brummitt €210,000 Market Day C. Tobougg Kingcraft Bloodstock €205,000 High Fidelity F. Peintre Celebre Deuce Greathouse, Agent €200,000 Brown Diamond F. Fastnet Rock Rabbah Bloodstock €155,000 Tadris F. Red Ransom Prime Equestrian €155,000 Lady Babooshka C. Cape Cross Jeremy Brummitt €145,000 Centreofattention C. Danehill Joseph O'Brien €140,000 Kilkonga C. Danehill Dancer William Haggas, Agent €140,000 Bella Bella C. Sri Pekan Joseph O'Brien €130,000 Colour Rhapsody C. Rip Van Winkle Joseph O'Brien €130,000 Dream Girl C. Oasis Dream Chantilly Bloodstock €130,000 Camille's Secret F. Oasis Dream Stephanie Nigge €125,000 Dowager C. Groom Dancer Gaelic Bloodstock €125,000 Civility Cat F. Tale Of The Cat Blandford Bloodstock €120,000 Daganya C. Danehill Dancer Joseph O'Brien €110,000 Flamingo Rose C. Areion Manfred Krauser €110,000 Fraulein C. Acatenango SackvilleDonald €110,000 Time Ahead C. Spectrum Joseph O'Brien €110,000 Causeway Queen F. Giant’s Causeway SackvilleDonald €110,000 Zamzama F. Shamardal Crispin Estates €110,000 Never Busy C. Gone West Joseph O'Brien €100,000 Balakera C. Dansili Stroud Coleman €100,000 Emirates Joy F. Street Cry SackvilleDonald €100,000 Market Forces F. Lomitas Alan Jones €100,000 Nasanice C. Nashwan Demi O'Byrne €100,000 STAKES HORSES FROM CAMELOT'S FIRST TWO CROPS INCLUDE: NAME SIRE OF DAM SIRE OF 2ND DAM GRADE ATHENA Green Desert Miswaki Gr.1 LATROBE Shamardal So Factual Gr.1 WONDERMENT Konigstiger Lomitas Gr.1 FIGHTING IRISH Pivotal Exit To Nowhere Gr.2 HUNTING HORN Indian Ridge Darshaan Gr.3 POLLARA Storm Cat Shirley Heights Gr.3 WAIT FOREVER Holy Roman Emperor Gulch Gr.3 ALOUNAK Rail Link Distant View Gr.2-pl LW 12
ARTHUR KITT Red Clubs Tale of the Cat Gr.3-pl LW STELLA DI CAMELOT Blu Air Force Celtic Swing Gr.3-pl LW KING OF LEOGRANCE Halling Kendor LW NATURALLY HIGH Grand Slam Highest Honor LW SIR EREC Galileo Rainbow Quest LW ALHADAB Muhtathir Ajdayt Gr.2-pl AMAZING LIPS Duke of Marmalade Sadler's Wells Gr.3-pl KING OF CAMELOT Hawk Wing Northern Baby Gr.3-pl FURRION Shamardal Pursuit of Love L-pl LUCIUS TIBERIUS Street Cry Hernando L-pl WHIRLING DERVISH Victory Note Doyoun L-pl MATING SUGGESTIONS: It was by only three-quarters of a length that Camelot failed to become the first Triple Crown winner since Nijinsky in 1970. His sire Montjeu has been one of the greatest classic influences of modern times. Camelot’s early runners have done so well that he looks set to develop into Montjeu’s best stallion son. Camelot has already sired a winner of the Irish Derby, a Gr.1 winner on turf in the U.S., a G1 winning 2yo and a 2yo Listed winner at Royal Ascot. Camelot sired the classic-winning Latrobe from a SHAMARDAL mare and the stylish French Gr.3 winner Pollara from a mare by Shamardal’s grandsire STORM CAT . Storm Cat’s son TALE OF THE CAT sired the second dam of Chesham Stakes winner Arthur Kitt. Camelot sired the smart Hunting Horn from an INDIAN RIDGE mare. Other sons of Montjeu have Group winners from AHONOORA line mares, the stallions involved include INCHINOR , INDIAN RIDGE and DR DEVIOUS . The GREEN DESERT mare Cherry Hinton has produced the Gr.1 winner Athena to Camelot. Camelot creates only 4x3 to DANEHILL when mated to mares by Danehill’s sons. He has already sired Group performers from daughters of DUKE OF MARMALADE and HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR (the dual Gr.3 winner Wait Forever). His Gr.1-winning 2yo Wonderment is out of a DANEHILL line mare. The BLUSHING GROOM line should work very well with Camelot, as two sons of Montjeu have sired Gr.3 winners from RAINBOW QUEST mares. Montjeu sired the Derby winner Authorized from a mare by SAUMAREZ , a son of RAINBOW QUEST . MR PROSPECTOR will be back in the fourth generation of Camelot’s foals and he already has a Listed winner out of a mare by GRAND SLAM . Authorized, another of Montjeu’s Derby winners, has two black-type fillies out of GALILEO mares, including the classic-placed Rehn’s Nest, which are inbred 3x3 to SADLER’S WELLS . Two of Camelot’s high-priced 2018 yearlings had second dams by GALILEO . His stakes-winning son Sir Erec is out of a GALILEO mare. Camelot’s first Group winner, Fighting Irish, has a dam by PIVOTAL . Camelot’s €500,000 third-crop yearling has a dam by EXCELLENT ART , and he should suit daughters of SIYOUNI . Montjeu sired Gr.1 winners in both hemispheres from GRAND LODGE mares. Montjeu had four Gr.1 winners with two lines of Zeddaan. It was a KENDOR mare which produced the 2017 Derby winner Wings of Eagles to a son of Montjeu. There is every reason to expect continued excellent results when Camelot is combined with the SHIRLEY HEIGHTS line as his Gr.3 winners Pollara and Hunting Horn have second dams by SHIRLEY HEIGHTS and DARSHAAN respectively. SHARPEN UP is a path to follow with Camelot, as he sired the second dams of Motivator and Hurricane Run. Montjeu’s top son St Nicholas Abbey was out of a mare by Kris’s son SURE BLADE . Mares by PENNEKAMP , a son of BERING , produced the Gr.1 winner Jan Vermeer to Montjeu and two Gr.1 winners to another son of Sadler’s Wells. Another son of Montjeu has a Gr.3 winner out of a BERING mare.
Height: 15.3½ (1.61m) Won from 5f. to 6f. Fee: €35,000
By sire of sires SCAT DADDY and a brilliant Gr.1 winner over 6f. at both 2 and 3 years.
CARAVAGGIO forges clear of Harry Angel and Blue Point in the Commonwealth Cup-Gr.1
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GSW’S IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE BY CARAVAGGIO'S SIRE SCAT DADDY INCLUDE: NAME SIRE OF DAM SIRE OF 2ND DAM GRADE CARAVAGGIO Holy Bull Relaunch Gr.1 CELESTINE Monarchos Dehere Gr.1 DACITA (CHI) Seeker's Reward Saint Sever Gr.1 DADDY'S LIL DARLING Houston Highland Blade Gr.1 HARMONIZE Sky Mesa Lyphard Gr.1 JUSTIFY Ghostzapper Pulpit Gr.1 LADY AURELIA Forest Wildcat Pentaquod Gr.1 LADY OF SHAMROCK Blushing John Key To The Mint Gr.1 MENDELSSOHN Tricky Creek Stop The Music Gr.1 NICKNAME Borrego Major Impact Gr.1 NO NAY NEVER Elusive Quality Exceller Gr.1 SIOUX NATION Oasis Dream Bluebird Gr.1 SKITTER SCATTER Street Cry Danehill Gr.1 ACAPULCO End Sweep Pentelicus Gr.2 AZAR Mineshaft Kingmambo Gr.2 CONQUEST DADDYO Thunder Gulch Graustark Gr.2 DADDY LONG LEGS Meadowlake Apalachee Gr.2 DICE FLAVOR Afleet Lyphard Gr.2 EL KABEIR Unbridled's Song Formal Dinner Gr.2 FRAC DADDY Skip Away Fast Play Gr.2 HANDSOME MIKE Smart Strike Red Ransom Gr.2 LINDA Sunny's Halo Secretariat Gr.2 PRETTY N COOL Rockport Harbor Forest Wildcat Gr.2 SEAHENGE Not For Love French Deputy Gr.2 VAN BEETHOVEN Montbrook Kris S. Gr.2 ALMASTY Pleasant Colony The Minstrel Gr.3 DADDY IS A LEGEND Benchmark Gold Legend Gr.3 DADDY NOSE BEST Thunder Gulch Pine Bluff Gr.3 FINALE Lively One J.O. Tobin Gr.3 FLAMEAWAY Fusaichi Pegasus Generous Gr.3 MR MELODY Deputy Minister Silent Screen Gr.3 MR ROARY Seattle Slew Northern Dancer Gr.3 SCATMAN Grand Slam Strawberry Road Gr.3 SEABHAC Curlin Hawkster Gr.3 SERGEI PROKOFIEV Tapit Unbridled's Song Gr.3 SHARED PROPERTY Belong To Me Housebuster Gr.3 SMOOTH DADDY Badger Land Bellypha Gr.3 SO PERFECT Songandaprayer Storm Cat Gr.3 SPARTIATIS French Deputy Cormorant Gr.3 TOINETTE Sunriver Mr Greeley Gr.3 MATING SUGGESTIONS: Caravaggio embodies all that was good about his sire Scat Daddy. Like Scat Daddy, he became a Gr.1 winner at two, but Caravaggio outperformed his sire by remaining unbeaten in four juvenile starts, including the Gr.2 Coventry Stakes and Gr.1 Phoenix Stakes. Caravaggio also followed his sire’s example by becoming a top Gr.1 winner at three. He was winning for the sixth time in six starts when he defeated Harry Angel in the Commonwealth Cup. Like Scat Daddy’s flying daughter Lady Aurelia, Caravaggio has a pedigree containing the fast Great Above.
Caravaggio ranks alongside Lady Aurelia, No Nay Never, Sioux Nation, Acapulco, Seahenge, Skitter Scatter, Van Beethoven, So Perfect, Sergei Prokofiev and Daddy Long Legs among Scat Daddy’s 11 2yo Group winners in Europe. Between them they collected five of Royal Ascot’s 2yo Group races, in addition to two editions of both the Prix Morny and the Phoenix Stakes. Scat Daddy was once represented by as many as nine 2yo stakes winners in a single crop, with six scoring at Graded/Group level. This suggests strongly that Caravaggio has the perfect background to become a leading sire of fast and precocious juveniles. No Nay Never is similarly qualified and he ran out a comfortable winner of the 2018 first-crop sires’ championship. Other members of the Storm Cat male line have sired Gr.1 winners from daughters of DANEHILL , DANSILI and FASTNET ROCK . This is a route to follow with Caravaggio, judging by No Nay Never’s impressive results. No Nay Never owes much of his early success to mares by sons of DANEHILL , including EXCEED AND EXCEL (Gr.1 winner Ten Sovereigns), ROCK OF GIBRALTAR (Gr.2 scorer Land Force), ORATORIO (Listed winner Servalan), FASTNET ROCK (Gr.2-placed Neverland Rock) and DANEHILL DANCER (Gr.1-placed The Irish Rover and Gr.3-placed We Go. Mares by KODIAC , CAMACHO , DANSILI , DUKE OF MARMALADE , DYLAN THOMAS , CLODOVIL , DANETIME and HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR all merit a chance with Caravaggio, as do mares by CHOISIR , MASTERCRAFTSMAN and ZOFFANY . The GREEN DESERT branch of the DANZIG line is also showing promise with No Nay Never. CAPE CROSS is the broodmare sire of No Nay Never’s Listed winner No Needs Never, whose yearling sister sold for 525,000gns. A €700,000 second-crop No Nay Never yearling has a dam by Cape Cross’s son SEA THE STARS . Mares by INVINCIBLE SPIRIT and OASIS DREAM have obvious appeal with a top sprinter like Caravaggio, especially when Scat Daddy sired a Gr.1-winning 2yo from an OASIS DREAM mare. Mares by DESERT STYLE and KHELEYF are other options. Fast horses from the NUREYEV line could suit, such as daughters of PIVOTAL , EXCELLENT ART , CAPTAIN RIO and KYLLACHY . SIYOUNI , with his dam by DANEHILL , could be especially suitable. No Nay Never has a Listed winner with a dam by PEINTRE CELEBRE . CARAVAGGIO should suit STORM CAT line mares by the likes of FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND , SHAMARDAL and LOPE DE VEGA . Scat Daddy’s flying daughter Lady Aurelia is inbred 4x3 to STORM CAT and another of his Gr.1 winners, Harmonize, is inbred 4x4. MR PROSPECTOR will be back in the fourth generation of Caravaggio’s foals. Another line could be added by sending him daughters of RAVEN’S PASS , IFFRAAJ , TAMAYUZ and DUTCH ART . As Scat Daddy sired several good winners at around a mile and a quarter, headed by his magnificent 2018 American Triple Crown winner Justify, it is worth trying Caravaggio with mares by leading middle-distance performers, such as MONTJEU and HIGH CHAPARRAL . HIGH CHAPARRAL mares produced second-crop No Nay Never yearlings which sold for €350,000 and €240,000. GALILEO mares could also work well with Caravaggio, as Galileo is excelling with mares by Storm Cat and Johannesburg. Expect to see Caravaggio make his mark with mares from the quick-maturing ROYAL APPLAUSE line, including those by his son and grandson ACCLAMATION and DARK ANGEL .
CARAVAGGIO was Timeform’s highest-rated juvenile colt of 2016 and a brilliant sprinter at 3. And he’s got a pedigree free of both DANEHILL and SADLER’S WELLS .
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