Coolmore Ireland 2020 Brochure
Any run-off material is collected and stored in an adjacent tank. This liquid has a high nutrient content and is spread on the large willow plantation that surrounds the area. Willow trees are well known for their ability to absorb nutrients and therefore they have a natural cleansing effect on the run-off water. These nutrients also provide a feed source for the willows and help them to grow and thrive. The willows are felled and harvested on a rotational basis and the dried wood is cut into pellets which are used as fuel for the woodchip boilers that heat the many staff homes dotted throughout the farm. This reduces dependency on oil and other fossil fuels thereby helping to improve the farm’s carbon footprint. Although difficult to measure with complete precision, it is our belief that the best practices employed throughout the entire operation have resulted in the farm now being carbon neutral if not carbon negative.
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