Coolmore Ireland 2020 Brochure

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17 of his sons have sired Gr.1 winners!


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A leading first crop sire in 2019 with two Group 2 winners at Newmarket – ROYAL LYTHAM & ROYAL DORNOCH – and Royal Ascot Listed winner SOUTHERN HILLS Triple Champion Sire in North America and sire of SHAMARDAL and FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND , themselves sires of five of the highest-rated 2YO colts in Europe in 2019 – PINATUBO , EARTHLIGHT , VICTOR LUDORUM , THREAT & MUMS TIPPLE

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Sire of 4 Grade 1 winners in the USA

Contact: Tangi SALIOU, Haras de la Haie Neuve Phone 00 33 (0)6 40 55 19 06 La Haie Neuve 35370 Mondevert France @ HARAS DE LA HAIE NEUVE Hermine Bastide +353 86 896 7296 67

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