Coolmore Handbook 2017
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!! 5#+1$%1!0/26!)#*+, (c by Danehill (USA)), 2@ABCDEF!GHI!EJK!LEJM!DF!#NOMIAJDA!DF!788PQ8> , REF 6 races in Australia viz Lightning Stakes, Flemington, .IS9 , Oakleigh Plate, Caulfield, .IS9 , Linlithgow Stakes, Flemington, .IS7 , Up And Coming Stakes, Warwick Farm, .IS7 , Roman Consul Stakes, Warwick Farm, .ISG and Rory's Jester Plate, Flemington, .ISG , placed second in Newmarket Handicap, Flemington, .IS9 , T J Smith Stakes, Randwick, .IS9 , Pago Pago Stakes, Rosehill, .IS7 , San Domenico Stakes, Randwick, .IS7 , Skyline Stakes, Canterbury, .ISG , Carlton Draught Guineas Prelude, Caulfield, .ISG , third in Sires' Produce Stakes, Randwick, .IS9 ; champion sire in Australia. !! 9OM!"ABS! 3'22#"'((;! 2'02*+! )#*+, (f by Royal Academy), REF 2 races in Australia viz Mercedes Benz Blue Diamond Prelude (f), Caulfield, .ISG and Debutante Stakes, Caulfield, (S , placed second in Mercedes-Benz Blue Diamond Preview (f), Caulfield, .ISG , third in Blue Diamond Stakes, Caulfield, .IS9 and Bobby Mcgees Maribyrnong Plate, Flemington, .IS7 ; Own sister to 0#&%%:!)#*+, ; dam of !ODT!RDFFUIO including- 5#+1$%1!0/26!)#*+, (c. by Danehill), see above. 2DIVNU! KN! +EJUDJ! )#*+, (f. by Danehill), REF 1 race in Australia, placed second in Waltzing Lily H., Flemington, (S and third in Keith Mackay H., Randwick, (S ; dam of: %BEMDEFAJ! 2DILNO! )#*+, (f by Elusive Quality), 4 races in Australia, placed third in Styletread Premiere Stakes, Randwick, .IS7 . 1RDIJ! )#*+, (f by Lonhro), placed second in Sweet Embrace Stakes, Randwick, .IS7 and third in Widden Stakes, Rosehill, .ISG . Magestique (AUS) (f by Giant's Causeway), placed once in Australia; dam of "DOMAFM!0ELW!)#*+, (g by Medaglia d'Oro), 2 races in Australia placed second in Adelaide Galvanising Adeleaide Guineas, Morphettville, (S !! 7FK!"ABS! .#1#$#!)#*+, (f by Marauding), REF 4 races in Australia including Cadbury Red Roses Stakes, Flemington, (S and Hilton on the Park Sprint, Flemington, (S , placed second in VicHealth Newmarket Handicap, Flemington, .IS9 , Swettenham Stud Stakes, Morphettville, .ISG and third in Stanley Wootton Stakes, Moonee Valley, .IS7 ; dam of !UDX@M!RDFFUIO including- 0#&%%:! )#*+, (c by Royal Academy), REF 4 races in Australia including Patinack Farm Cameron Handicap, Newcastle, .ISG and Superstable Paris Lane Stakes, Flemington, (S , placed second in Roxy Hotel Parramatta Phar Lap Stakes, Rosehill, .IS7 , Mitty's Doomben Classic 3yo Plate, Doomben, .ISG , Konica Minolta Concorde Stakes, Rosehill, .ISG , Greenslopes Hospital QueenslandDay Plate, Eagle Farm, (S 3'22#"'((;!2'02*+!)#*+, (f by Royal Academy), see above. "EFFAKAFU!)#*+, (f by Danehill), REF 2 races in Australia, placed third in P J Bell Handicap, Randwick, (S ; dam of winners: 4EKEFFA!)#*+, (f by More Than Ready), 3 races in Australia, placed second in Hardy Bros Jewellers Golden Stakes, Doomben, (S &UAIM!+MIDFXO!)#*+, (f by Danehill), REF 2 races in Australia, placed third in Keith Mackay Handicap, Randwick, (S ; dam of a winner. !! GIK!"ABS! TWIGALAE (AUS) (f by Twig Moss), REF 3 races in Australia; dam of !OUYUF!RDFFUIO including- .#1#$#!)#*+, (f by Marauding), see above. BARALAE (AUS) (g by Barathea), REF 14 races in Australia. !! The next dam &EFKAJAU! )$-, (f by Better Honey), REF 4 races in Australia placed third in Auraria Stakes, Victoria Park, .ISG ; dam of !OUYUF!RDFFUIO including- (NJNRA!)#*+, (f by Francis Bacon), REF 1 race in Australia placed second in Rothwells Ngawyni Quality Stakes, Ascot, (S , third in Sires' Produce Stakes, Ascot, .IS7 and Sheraton-Perth Quality Stakes, Ascot, (S ; dam of winners: Z#(3#0#'+/!)#*+, (f by Bianconi), REF Matchmaker Classic, Ascot, (S!
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