Coolmore Australia 2017
Danehill and Encosta de Lago set the standard by becoming multiple champion sires. Since then fastnet rock has taken over and done likewise. Choisir , his son Starspangledbanner and So you think are all proven Group 1 sires and Pierro is a very exciting young proposition. adelaide , No Nay Never , Pride of Dubai , rubick and Vancouver all displayed the necessary brilliance on the track to suggest they can reach the top too. air force Blue and american Pharoah have the ratings and the records to go down in the books as all-time great racehorses. And here’s the thing. You don’t just find exceptional stallions at Coolmore Australia. You’ll find exceptional value too. Aim for exceptional 10 AdElAIdE 11,000 14 AIR FORCE BluE 16,500 18 AMERICAN PHAROAH 66,000 22 CHOIsIR 29,700 26 FAstNEt ROCk PRIVAtE 30 NO NAy NEVER 11,000 38 PIERRO 49,500 42 PRIdE OF duBAI 44,000 46 RuBICk 17,600 50 sO yOutHINk 60,500 54 stARsPANglEdBANNER 16,500 58 VANCOuVER 49,500 ~ New ~ ~ New ~ Page stallion Fee $
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